AHA PEARS Instructor Training

AHA's PEARS: Introduction to Pediatric Emergency Care

The American Heart Association's (AHA) Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization (PEARS) program is designed to prepare healthcare professionals to recognize and manage pediatric emergencies, particularly in the first few minutes of response. This article delves into the intricacies of PEARS, the importance of this training, and why one might consider becoming a PEARS instructor.

Understanding PEARS: A Vital Component of Child Care

PEARS is designed to help healthcare providers without pediatric emergency expertise develop the critical assessment and basic life support skills necessary to manage emergencies. It focuses on a systematic approach that prioritizes the most life-threatening aspects of the pediatric emergency, including respiratory failure, shock, and cardiac arrest.

1. Assessment Methodology

The PEARS course emphasizes a systematic and hands-on approach to pediatric assessment that includes:

  • Airway maintenance
  • Effective ventilation
  • Rapid identification of shock and cardiac issues
  • Immediate interventions

2. Structured Training

The PEARS program offers a structured learning experience that combines video-based learning with real-time practice and evaluation by a qualified instructor.

3. Scope and Application

PEARS is essential for a wide range of professionals including nurses, emergency medical responders, and other healthcare providers involved in pediatric care.

Becoming a PEARS Instructor: Why It Matters

Becoming a PEARS instructor not only enhances one's knowledge and skills in pediatric care but also creates opportunities to influence others positively in the healthcare community. Below are the reasons why becoming a PEARS instructor is a worthy pursuit.

1. Contribution to Pediatric Care

By teaching PEARS, instructors actively contribute to improving the quality of pediatric care. They equip healthcare providers with the necessary skills to recognize and manage life-threatening pediatric emergencies, which can lead to better outcomes.

2. Professional Development

Becoming a PEARS instructor aids personal and professional growth. Instructors often experience an increase in confidence and expertise in pediatric care, positioning them as leaders and specialists in their field.

3. Networking Opportunities

PEARS instructors engage with a network of healthcare professionals dedicated to pediatric excellence. This networking facilitates collaboration, shared learning, and can lead to further career opportunities.

4. Alignment with AHA's Mission

The AHA's mission is to reduce death and disability related to cardiovascular diseases and stroke. By training others in PEARS, instructors align themselves with this mission, actively participating in life-saving efforts.

How to Become a PEARS Instructor

Becoming a PEARS instructor involves several steps:

  1. Hold a Current PEARS Provider Card: A valid PEARS provider card is a prerequisite for becoming an instructor.

  2. Complete the AHA Instructor Essentials Course: This course covers the core essentials of teaching an AHA course.

  3. Align with an AHA Training Center: Prospective instructors must align with an AHA-recognized training center that offers PEARS classes.

  4. Mentorship and Monitoring: Candidates must be mentored and monitored by experienced AHA instructors before they become fully recognized.

  5. Stay Committed to Continuous Learning: Ongoing education and engagement with the latest AHA guidelines are essential for maintaining instructor status.


The AHA's PEARS program is a critical element in the healthcare landscape, focusing on pediatric emergencies. Becoming a PEARS instructor is not merely about teaching; it's about empowering healthcare providers to deliver prompt, effective care to children in emergency situations.

With a commitment to professional growth, contribution to pediatric care, and alignment with a broader mission to save lives, becoming a PEARS instructor is a fulfilling and impactful career path. Whether one is an experienced pediatric care provider or someone with a keen interest in child health, this role offers opportunities to make meaningful differences in the lives of children and the healthcare community at large.

The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.